Friday, June 26, 2009

A Pretty Boy

Jerry often expresses his wish to pretend to be a girl.... For example, he doesn't like to cut his hair too short because he wants to grow it long like a girl's; or he likes the color pink more than any other color and likes pretty things (used to have a thing for Disney princesses). We are not too concerned with this expression for now, because it doesn't appear that he acts in a particularly effeminate manner. We often have conversations with him to persuade him to appreciate being a boy.

So, last night, during one of these conversations with Kelvin, he asks Jerry why he wants to be a girl. He says it's because girls are "leng" (good-looking). Kelvin defended boys and said that boys are also good-looking, using himself as an example. Jerry HAD to agree that his dad was also good-looking.... He also agreed that he will be "leng jai" so that many girls will chase after him. He would choose the prettiest girl out of the group and she will also be rich. He will give her all the money in his piggybank and have more kids than us. He doesn't want just 2...he wants 10 or even 100 kids and he told Kelvin, seriously, that there will be 100 grandchildren calling him yeh yeh.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A wife to kill cockroaches

Tonight, we had dinner at PoPo's place. Karen and Andrew had been staying at her place these past nights and were coming home with us tonight. We all bustled into the 7-seater and Andrew was the last one to get in the passenger seat. He got in and quickly jumped out again saying "Ho wut dut ah (Really Gross!) When he came back in, he said that he saw a cockroach trying to crawl in.... We were all discussing how gross it really would be if a cockroach was in the car with us and what could we possibly do. Kelvin was saying that he could kill it if we all kept calm. Jerry said he would get a wife to help! That cracked us all up. He and his future wife would each use a weapon against the cockroach, one with a cane and another with a sweeper. His wife would also be one who will teach him things, play with him and do everything with him. In written form, it may not seem so funny, you had to be there. But, seriously, it was hilarious. It's comforting that he has set such tangible goals for his future! haha.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random Gifts

Before Karen came to HK, she stopped by to visit the Lins in their last week in Chicago. Dr. Alberto Lin successfully landed a job in Dallas and the family is making a much desired relocation. In HK, we are very proud of and happy for the Lins although we are a little disappointed in not having visited them all that time they were there (our fault entirely). We are also grateful for the Lins to be thinking of us enough during their time of busy packin' and relocatin' to us have gotten us gifts. Thanks to Karen, too, for her gifts.

Aaron received orange water balloons with their own filler (they'll be put to good use in Dallas) plus Veggie Tales and Dora DVDs (his fave) and Jerry received Transformer T-shirts plus walkie talkie set (Karen thoughtfully researched his preference). I got Taco Bell Salsa Chicken Bowlz and Fiesta Steak Bowlz microwave dinners. These are, hands down, the most random gift that I have any recollection of receiving. So, that has motivated me to go one better and I am now on a gift buying mission!

Whilst this summer has gone off on a fairly poor start with the boys falling ill, we look forward to better days and loads of fun during our trip to Dallas in July. If we survive the heat 'n' humidity in HK, that is.

Summer, school suspension 'n' paracetomol suspension

My last post was on 11 Apr 2009! Aaron is already 2 and 1/2 (almost) and summer is upon us. Classes for all kindergartens and primary schools in HK are suspended until 26/6/09 due to the "spread" of H1N1 human swine flu in a local high school. It was originally widely spread by incoming travellers originating mostly from North America. But once a confirmed case had no apparent contact with someone from abroad, they didn't want to take chances and allow any widespread community break out.

Andrew and Karen are visiting from the States and just arrived within 2 weeks of each other. Andrew has already taken a trip to Seoul with our paternal grandparents partially as a token of filial piety (LOL). Karen arrived over the weekend, and, luckily, neither suffers from any flu-like symptoms.

Unfortunately, Jerry came down with a fever last Thursday, anyway. My suspicion is that he caught it in his English practice class on Thursday mornings. He was at first diagnosed with "typical" flu, then later, with a viral infection that's related to hand foot 'n' mouth as he later developed little white spots in his throat. Aaron, always in close proximity to big brother, caught the fever three days later (just as Jerry's broke) and his diagnosis was "flu-like illness"(?!) The worst part for us was that he threw up all over the bed...I won't go into details. Febrile children are really scary, for me, at least. The recorded temperature is close to 39 degrees C on our home thermometer and with the doctor's more accurate one, it's always above that. There is always relief when the paracetamol and the lukewarm sponge bath apparently take effect, but when the temperature rises just an hour later, it's nerve racking to think that it is something more serious. Besides, it is not yet time to take another dose of medicine and it is difficult to force down another glass of water (this is especially difficult in Aaron's case).

It appears that they are both recovering quickly, Jerry no longer complains of a soar throat. Aaron no longer has fever but is developing a slight cough. All in all, they have been active and cheerful throughout their time of illness and that has taken some of the stress out of the whole experience. Both LH and I understand that for the rest of our lives, our children's well-being will always be at center stage of our focus. Whilst it is tiring and stressful at times, we are encouraged by and thankful for their progress and improvement every day.

Speaking of improvement, Jerry has earned another award this year for achievement in good behavior and academics! He got this same award in K1 last year and we did not expect a repeat. We are extremely proud of our Dai Gor Gor and hope that his interest and curiosity in learning and creation can continue.