Here he is waiting to get on the bus.

Here he is "weeding".

Here he is taking stroll with his best friend. They are really close, it's endearing to see them together.

He really enjoys being in the outdoors and seeing all the greens and beautiful colors. He says that we have entered a colorful world (a Barnie DVD title). We are glad that he appreciates the countryside.
wow how fun a farm. and what exactly are ya'll doing? deweeding? and i love the little kid in the background with the nemo hat getting his rake on lolol
maybe it's the angle of the first pic but that looks like a double chin! how cute
wow, Jerry is a whole head.5 taller than his friend. So glad he enjoys 'nature'. He'll enjoy the U.S. very much!! We have trees, grass, flowers, and chirping birds!
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