Aaron is growing up really fast. This week, he has started talking a lot more. He can say, Gung Gung (actually addressing his Gung Gung), Gor Gor, ah Por (but not addressing his PoPo), MaMa, BaBa, count 1-10 (slurred), Apple, Meow, Oink, Baa, WoWo (barking), "no more", Wah! etc. It seems that he is ready for school (I wish :p). I just picked a few of his pics with his "winner smile". Jerry on the other hand, has also gone thru some transformation. You'll note that he is no longer camera-shy!

ahhh finally a new post!
aj is soo stinkin cute. omgoodness. he looks all grown up.
I agree with Andrew! Shoot vids of him talking! I wanna hear his voice. For some reason, I have it in my head that he has a really deep voice - maybe because he looks like a little low low.
you hv v. good intuition. he really has a low voice! haha
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