yesterday, we visited popo for winter solstice dinner and aaron cut his eyelid on the side of her bed. luckily, the cut is right at the fold in his eyelid, so it's not apparent at all. even the doctor almost missed it. this is aaron's second cut to the face in recent months. coincidentally, he cut the space betw. his lower lip and chin at the side of Lisa's bed about a month ago. to us, his cuts look mighty painful, but judging from his reactions, they do not hurt him all that much (hopefully).
we are expecting many more similar episodes in future, as this little boy bounces off the walls. at first, we wonder whether aaron is particularly active and daring. but, we recall that jerry had been an exceptionally well behaved toddler, so we now think that aaron is just acting normal for his age, whereas jerry did not.
wish us luck as we try to keep up with little aaron, perhaps, until he turns 10?? fingers crossed.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
aaron at play
At Jerry's school friend's birthday party, Aaron enjoyed the playroom most of all. perhaps all kids want a playroom like this...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
J & A at the Park
Aaron and Jerry got to play in a park today and had loads of fun. Aaron is fearless and ran wild and almost ran into the swings in motion. Jerry on the other hand, was much more cautious, as always.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Aaron at home
Aaron is growing up really fast. This week, he has started talking a lot more. He can say, Gung Gung (actually addressing his Gung Gung), Gor Gor, ah Por (but not addressing his PoPo), MaMa, BaBa, count 1-10 (slurred), Apple, Meow, Oink, Baa, WoWo (barking), "no more", Wah! etc. It seems that he is ready for school (I wish :p). I just picked a few of his pics with his "winner smile". Jerry on the other hand, has also gone thru some transformation. You'll note that he is no longer camera-shy!

Jerry's school outing
Kelvin & I joined Jerry in his school outing this past Friday to some farm.
Here he is waiting to get on the bus.

Here he is "weeding".

Here he is taking stroll with his best friend. They are really close, it's endearing to see them together.

He really enjoys being in the outdoors and seeing all the greens and beautiful colors. He says that we have entered a colorful world (a Barnie DVD title). We are glad that he appreciates the countryside.
Here he is waiting to get on the bus.

Here he is "weeding".

Here he is taking stroll with his best friend. They are really close, it's endearing to see them together.

He really enjoys being in the outdoors and seeing all the greens and beautiful colors. He says that we have entered a colorful world (a Barnie DVD title). We are glad that he appreciates the countryside.
Yuk Gun 2 bew yee (mah)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
10 brothers
Today, at around 6:30 p.m., I was napping in Jerry and Aaron's room, Aaron was playing in the room and Jerry was watching a video by himself. Suddenly, Jerry broke out wailing and couldn't stop. Marites was in the kitchen nearby and could not detect any danger or accident having occurred as Jerry was seated on the sofa throughout. I went out to investigate and could not detect any obvious problem either. Jerry cried like it was the end of the world. What do you think made him cry this way?
After a couple of minutes, Jerry said, still crying "Because you will not have any more babies...wah wah wah!" So, he is now occasionally throwing me alternating dirty looks and sad puppy eyes. He also alludes to a time when he was planning for a family of 10 kids (alternating sequence of boy-girl-boy-girl etc!)
He has in fact just now broke into uncontrollable crying again, as I write. I am not being insensitive, but am finding him to be unreasonable and this whole episode quite surreal.... Couldn't help but film him crying, though (poor thing! I am a mean mother, sometimes.)
Backtrack to half an hour earlier, when Jerry was "telling" me to have more babies, while I was falling asleep in their room as mentioned above; being sleepy, but not yet out of my mind, I told him that I will not have any more babies as 2 boys is just the right number! He is watching Curious Buddies at the Park, which is basically a video showing babies/toddlers playing in the park etc and perhaps that has triggered the sadness. What to do?
Then I told Jerry that he really had 10 brothers & sisters (bew bew cousins)--Jerry, Aaron, Heidi, Michelle, Nicole, Eric, Lucas, Jasper, Evan and Duncan make 10! Problem solved, haha!
After a couple of minutes, Jerry said, still crying "Because you will not have any more babies...wah wah wah!" So, he is now occasionally throwing me alternating dirty looks and sad puppy eyes. He also alludes to a time when he was planning for a family of 10 kids (alternating sequence of boy-girl-boy-girl etc!)
He has in fact just now broke into uncontrollable crying again, as I write. I am not being insensitive, but am finding him to be unreasonable and this whole episode quite surreal.... Couldn't help but film him crying, though (poor thing! I am a mean mother, sometimes.)
Backtrack to half an hour earlier, when Jerry was "telling" me to have more babies, while I was falling asleep in their room as mentioned above; being sleepy, but not yet out of my mind, I told him that I will not have any more babies as 2 boys is just the right number! He is watching Curious Buddies at the Park, which is basically a video showing babies/toddlers playing in the park etc and perhaps that has triggered the sadness. What to do?
Then I told Jerry that he really had 10 brothers & sisters (bew bew cousins)--Jerry, Aaron, Heidi, Michelle, Nicole, Eric, Lucas, Jasper, Evan and Duncan make 10! Problem solved, haha!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
JD at Ocean Park
Jerry and I went to Ocean Park last Friday and had fun. Jerry is at an age where he likes to make choices and can enjoy the exhibits and the amusement rides. He has also left his "no pictures" phase to "come take a picture of me" phase. Now all we have to do is work on that smile (show some teeth, Jerry!).

Despite the upbeat opener to the dolphins' performance and me already moving to the beat, Jerry refused to dance...the first time he answered, he said "Mom, look around you, you don't see anyone else dancing, do you?" I thought it was such a good answer that I had to get out my camera. So, what you see is his 2nd shot. "Because no one else is dancing."
When pressed further, he finally said he was too tired to dance! It was probably his first "uh muh guh, my mom is sooo ehmbarrassing!"-moment with a strong desire to dig himself in a hole in the ground and jump in.

Despite the upbeat opener to the dolphins' performance and me already moving to the beat, Jerry refused to dance...the first time he answered, he said "Mom, look around you, you don't see anyone else dancing, do you?" I thought it was such a good answer that I had to get out my camera. So, what you see is his 2nd shot. "Because no one else is dancing."
When pressed further, he finally said he was too tired to dance! It was probably his first "uh muh guh, my mom is sooo ehmbarrassing!"-moment with a strong desire to dig himself in a hole in the ground and jump in.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
nagging son part 2
yesterday was national day & we four spent the day just hanging out.
at teatime, we were eating at a restaurant and out of the blue, Jerry asked why i got mad when his dad is kidding (gong siu). i think the premise for him saying that is when LH says something annoying, i get visibly annoyed and LH then says he was "just kidding, heh heh".
so jerry said: Mom, next time when dad is "kidding" (gong siu) you don't have to get mad, you just have to tell him nicely to "stop saying that, please" (Deh-dee, ng ho joy gum yeung gong yeh lah, ng goi), just say that and don't be unhappy.
beh beh always.
at teatime, we were eating at a restaurant and out of the blue, Jerry asked why i got mad when his dad is kidding (gong siu). i think the premise for him saying that is when LH says something annoying, i get visibly annoyed and LH then says he was "just kidding, heh heh".
so jerry said: Mom, next time when dad is "kidding" (gong siu) you don't have to get mad, you just have to tell him nicely to "stop saying that, please" (Deh-dee, ng ho joy gum yeung gong yeh lah, ng goi), just say that and don't be unhappy.
beh beh always.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
nagging son
Today, Jerry gave me a nagging on going to bed early. He saw that I have some spots on my jawline and asked what they were. I told him that they were zits which I have cos my skin is not good. Since we have not yet explained what zits are to him, it was with great surprise that I received the following lecture from him:
Mom, you should go to bed earlier and not watch so much t.v. at night. You should instead watch t.v. either in the a.m. or during the day when I'm at school. You should go to bed early like dad does (his dad puts him to bed at night, thereby giving him the impression that LH goes to sleep at the same time he does). We (using the royal "we" here) really care about you and I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just caring about you and trying to help you.
He said that all in one go. Obviously, the above is not verbatim as he lectured in Canto. However, I'm sure you get the picture. I think we may have another "Fahn-drew" on our hands....
Mom, you should go to bed earlier and not watch so much t.v. at night. You should instead watch t.v. either in the a.m. or during the day when I'm at school. You should go to bed early like dad does (his dad puts him to bed at night, thereby giving him the impression that LH goes to sleep at the same time he does). We (using the royal "we" here) really care about you and I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just caring about you and trying to help you.
He said that all in one go. Obviously, the above is not verbatim as he lectured in Canto. However, I'm sure you get the picture. I think we may have another "Fahn-drew" on our hands....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
mid-autumn festivities cont'd
See how she is really into the kids' fun & games. Michelle is the luckiest kid in the world to hv the best GooMa--haha.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mid-Autumn festivities
Michelle & Jerry get along well for cousins who see each other abt every 4(?) months. It appears that they're playing a modified form of hopscotch...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Chee Sin
Another funny episode in the car occurred tonight. Jerry was contemplating what it was like to be grown up and the things that grown-ups can say which children cannot. He asked why adults, especially his "elders" liked to say "chee sin" a lot (crazy in Cantonese). Since I don't say "chee sin" in front of him, I told him that not all elders said that. He said that most of them did, especially at the mahjong table, when the game is drawn (his exact words: "Dah Wong" which is mahjong jargon). Just from that simple statement, it is obvious that Jerry is very attentive, even if he doesn't seem to be paying any attention. He never sits still to watch mahjong playing, he is always doing something else nearby. The first person who comes to mind and says "chee sin" the most at the mahjong table is our Auntie 2...Jerry appears to be heavily influenced by her, especially in saying things that we'd rather he didn't at his age. If anyone has been in Auntie 2's company for a period of time would appreciate that Jerry does get a lot of odd sayings from her. (Lisa, you know what I mean :D)
seung ngor
Chinese legend has it that a fair maiden named "Seung Ngor" floated up to the moon after eating some magic pills for immortality that were meant for "Hau Ngai", a tyrant of a king who wanted to rule the world forever. Seung Ngor's "sacrifice" came about because she did not want to see more suffering and turmoil under such tyrannical rule.
Subsequently, every year at Mid-Autumn Festival, people would eat their mooncakes while remembering Seung Ngor on the moon.
As Jerry was getting ready for sleep tonight, he told LH that Seung Ngor had it all wrong. She should not have eaten the magic pills, but instead, she should have sit Hau Ngai down for a serious talk, to teach him that he should not be a tyrant and treat people nicely. That way, Seung Ngor would not have had to float up to the moon causing people down on earth to miss her so much.
I thought that she should not have eaten the pills but thrown them in the toilet (the ancient type w/o flushing) for then, I'm pretty sure Hau Ngai would not want to eat them for all the worlds that he could rule over.
I think both streams of logic are quite reasonable, don't you?
Subsequently, every year at Mid-Autumn Festival, people would eat their mooncakes while remembering Seung Ngor on the moon.
As Jerry was getting ready for sleep tonight, he told LH that Seung Ngor had it all wrong. She should not have eaten the magic pills, but instead, she should have sit Hau Ngai down for a serious talk, to teach him that he should not be a tyrant and treat people nicely. That way, Seung Ngor would not have had to float up to the moon causing people down on earth to miss her so much.
I thought that she should not have eaten the pills but thrown them in the toilet (the ancient type w/o flushing) for then, I'm pretty sure Hau Ngai would not want to eat them for all the worlds that he could rule over.
I think both streams of logic are quite reasonable, don't you?
Jerry does not like to watch cartoons/t.v. programs or motion pictures where there is an antagonist (especially witches, monsters and evildoers). So, basically, he has not been able to finish watching many of the Disney movies. Tonight, he mentioned that he was not scared of Cinderella when he was two years old (he attributes all past events to age 2 years), but now that he is 4 years old, he is afraid of watching it because of the evil stepmother.
I tried to comfort him by telling him that it was only a story and that he did not have an evil stepmother; therefore, no need to worry.
He went on calmly to tell me that if I died, LH would have to remarry and he would have a stepmother (implying that perhaps "that" stepmother would be evil). So, I could only reply that possibly, when I died, his dad would find him a stepmother, but his dad would take care not to find an evil one!
What can I say but that his comments left me "beh beh seng"...
I tried to comfort him by telling him that it was only a story and that he did not have an evil stepmother; therefore, no need to worry.
He went on calmly to tell me that if I died, LH would have to remarry and he would have a stepmother (implying that perhaps "that" stepmother would be evil). So, I could only reply that possibly, when I died, his dad would find him a stepmother, but his dad would take care not to find an evil one!
What can I say but that his comments left me "beh beh seng"...
Friday, September 12, 2008
daily activities
Since neither boys are babies any more, it is difficult to film them without resistance. Usually, when they know that they are under the camera, they hide all the giggles and playfulness and become self-conscious (yes, self-conscious at ages 4 & 1.5).
Then again, there are times, when Jerry knows he's under the camera and he "over-acts"! However they appear, they are adorable all the same.
Then again, there are times, when Jerry knows he's under the camera and he "over-acts"! However they appear, they are adorable all the same.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
why did you have children?
Jerry often asks why we had children. Earlier on, we told him that because we loved each other, we wanted to raise children together. Soon, that answer was not enough for Jerry who provided his own answer: God arranged for him to go into my tummy and be born as our son. Not satisfied to stop there, he asked whether God arranged for the births of all his close relatives (he had to ask about them, one by one).
Two nights ago, he asked LH about who took care of him when he was a child; who took care of his parents when they were children etc etc. Naturally, that brought on the topic of his great-grandparents (both on my side as well as LH's side) and he was fascinated to know where they now are. For example, who are Tai Poh's (a.k.a. Jerry's great grandma Ip) father and mother (great great grandparents Lam). If great grandfather Ip is dead and is in heaven, is he watching us just as Cowboy is watching us (notice that he never loses a link)? If great/great great grandparents on LH's side of the family are also in heaven, would these common yet unrelated great grandparents know who each other are in heaven? Then Jerry got distressed, because, according to him, if he went to heaven, then he would not be able to recognize great great grandfather and great grandfather. LH had to answer that he would, of course, introduce them....
I can't go into details as to how LH answered, as the Q&A session was neverending and I was not there. Suffice it to say, more questions are coming, so please help us (God?).
An aside: Jerry says that rain clouds are spiders and at some point would sprout legs and land them on our heads, hence we get rain.
Another aside: A friend was scolding her son one day and her son said: If I had a baby, I would not scold the baby so. Her son is 4 days older than Jerry.
Humans are indeed animals of intelligence.
Two nights ago, he asked LH about who took care of him when he was a child; who took care of his parents when they were children etc etc. Naturally, that brought on the topic of his great-grandparents (both on my side as well as LH's side) and he was fascinated to know where they now are. For example, who are Tai Poh's (a.k.a. Jerry's great grandma Ip) father and mother (great great grandparents Lam). If great grandfather Ip is dead and is in heaven, is he watching us just as Cowboy is watching us (notice that he never loses a link)? If great/great great grandparents on LH's side of the family are also in heaven, would these common yet unrelated great grandparents know who each other are in heaven? Then Jerry got distressed, because, according to him, if he went to heaven, then he would not be able to recognize great great grandfather and great grandfather. LH had to answer that he would, of course, introduce them....
I can't go into details as to how LH answered, as the Q&A session was neverending and I was not there. Suffice it to say, more questions are coming, so please help us (God?).
An aside: Jerry says that rain clouds are spiders and at some point would sprout legs and land them on our heads, hence we get rain.
Another aside: A friend was scolding her son one day and her son said: If I had a baby, I would not scold the baby so. Her son is 4 days older than Jerry.
Humans are indeed animals of intelligence.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Jerry & the devil
Jerry goes to a Christian school which perhaps gives about 20 minutes to tell bible stories each day. Periodically, he also brings home books with seriously abbreviated and animated bible stories. This week being the beginning of term, he brought back one of these books and asked to hear the stories. One of them was about the temptation of Jesus. (We all know the story, right?) When I told him the story, he merely asked where the devil was (it was not illustrated). When LH told the story later at night, he had deeper thoughts.
He told his dad that he was naughty sometimes because he heard the devil tempting him but he could not hear God. LH insisted that Jerry should resist being naughty and try to be good all the time. He also suggested that God would talk to Jerry as he slept, but Jerry insisted that he could not hear. LH then had to say that God talked to us (the parents) and taught us how to teach Jerry behaved. Obviously, Jerry had to follow up with a dozen more questions, including how and when God spoke to us, etc etc. This episode is ironic as LH is neither religious nor partial to Christianity. Perhaps, on a certain level, it is easier for LH to analyse God and his ways in this detached manner of a bystander (my analyses would only be from a viewpoint of a good reader of the bible rather than a Christian).
Hopefully, Jerry will not be always confused about the devil. This morning, he suggested that Aaron (and basically all children) listened to the devil; that is why children are usually naughty. This could be quite scary if placed in a movie.
He told his dad that he was naughty sometimes because he heard the devil tempting him but he could not hear God. LH insisted that Jerry should resist being naughty and try to be good all the time. He also suggested that God would talk to Jerry as he slept, but Jerry insisted that he could not hear. LH then had to say that God talked to us (the parents) and taught us how to teach Jerry behaved. Obviously, Jerry had to follow up with a dozen more questions, including how and when God spoke to us, etc etc. This episode is ironic as LH is neither religious nor partial to Christianity. Perhaps, on a certain level, it is easier for LH to analyse God and his ways in this detached manner of a bystander (my analyses would only be from a viewpoint of a good reader of the bible rather than a Christian).
Hopefully, Jerry will not be always confused about the devil. This morning, he suggested that Aaron (and basically all children) listened to the devil; that is why children are usually naughty. This could be quite scary if placed in a movie.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
andrew kau fu
Tonight, we had dinner with my parents (Jerry, Kelvin & me). We were eating Shanghainese food and Jerry was eating his favorite "woh teep" (fried dumplings). He ate large chunks at a time and had difficulty chewing. Mom then tried to get him to stop by telling him an anecdote of a time when Andrew was at a friend's birthday party and he nearly choked to death on a hot dog sausage before pulling the whole thing out of his throat. Back then (perhaps not anymore) Andrew hardly chewed his food; he would scoff it all up. We laughed hard, not b/c he nearly died, but because the way mom told it, it sounded like Andrew pulled up his intestines instead of a hotdog sausage (as the word for sausage and intestines are the same in Canto). Hopefully, Jerry learned something today.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
It's amazing how our thoughts and actions are interwined even when we are all so far apart. We just returned home from my cousin's baby's full-moon dinner. I logged in and saw Astor's latest comment on my post "Swimmers" about Cowboy. We were actually thinking of and talking about CowCow this morning while taking my parents from the airport.
We were in the car and my parents were trying to engage Jerry in conversation. For some reason, Jerry started on the topic of keeping pets. Apparently, he wants a cat, a dog and a bunny. Then, he was reminded that our apartment does not allow pets. Then, he cleverly thought of a solution, saying, "I have thought of a solution, Gung Gung, you can keep a dog at your home in America..." Everyone can guess that he meant to visit the dog when he can. Mom, being the "NO PETS" type, told him that even Andrew Kau Fu did not get a pet even if he begged. However, he can visit Grand Auntie Kwan's pet when he next visits; 2 Bew Yee has a cute little doggie too.
Kelvin mentioned Cowboy at this point, asking whether Jerry remembers CowCow...the doggie that belonged to Dai Yee Poh. He asked this because Jerry was on friendly terms with Cowboy during his visit to Dallas 3 years ago; they even took a nap together on Yee Mah's bedroom floor (I have a pic somewhere). When Jerry asked where CowCow was, we had to tell him how he accidentally fell in the pool and drowned. Jerry thinks he's probably in heaven.
When we got home tonight, Jerry took it upon himself to tell Marites the "sad story" of Cowboy's drowning (he told her that it's a sad story). He told Marites that when he grows up, he will meet Cowboy again in heaven. Jerry also went to Kelvin and asked if CowCow has become a star (Kelvin told Jerry earlier that when ppl/animals die, they become stars in the sky and watch over us). He then went to the window to the window to see if he could see CowCow (awww). Kelvin told him that since the sky was too bright (it's always too bright in the city), he'll show him the CowCow star another time. He also had a bunch of other questions, like, why did CowCow fall into the water; when did he die? one month ago? 2 months ago? etc etc. We never imagined a casual mention of a dog from long ago wd incite such deep thoughts.
I had opened up the blog to write about this latest episode and was surprised and touched to find Astor's comment. So, it is clear that Cowboy is always in our thoughts.
Add-On: Tonight, at the dinner, Kelvin asked Jerry to take a picture with him and he refused. As you may know, Jerry is in a I-don't-want-my-picture-taken phase. Then, Kelvin told Jerry that he really wanted to take a picture with him, so that, when we (Kelvin & me) become old, we can look at the picture and reminisce about our dear son's childhood. Jerry only agreed after that. He is such a softie. :p
We were in the car and my parents were trying to engage Jerry in conversation. For some reason, Jerry started on the topic of keeping pets. Apparently, he wants a cat, a dog and a bunny. Then, he was reminded that our apartment does not allow pets. Then, he cleverly thought of a solution, saying, "I have thought of a solution, Gung Gung, you can keep a dog at your home in America..." Everyone can guess that he meant to visit the dog when he can. Mom, being the "NO PETS" type, told him that even Andrew Kau Fu did not get a pet even if he begged. However, he can visit Grand Auntie Kwan's pet when he next visits; 2 Bew Yee has a cute little doggie too.
Kelvin mentioned Cowboy at this point, asking whether Jerry remembers CowCow...the doggie that belonged to Dai Yee Poh. He asked this because Jerry was on friendly terms with Cowboy during his visit to Dallas 3 years ago; they even took a nap together on Yee Mah's bedroom floor (I have a pic somewhere). When Jerry asked where CowCow was, we had to tell him how he accidentally fell in the pool and drowned. Jerry thinks he's probably in heaven.
When we got home tonight, Jerry took it upon himself to tell Marites the "sad story" of Cowboy's drowning (he told her that it's a sad story). He told Marites that when he grows up, he will meet Cowboy again in heaven. Jerry also went to Kelvin and asked if CowCow has become a star (Kelvin told Jerry earlier that when ppl/animals die, they become stars in the sky and watch over us). He then went to the window to the window to see if he could see CowCow (awww). Kelvin told him that since the sky was too bright (it's always too bright in the city), he'll show him the CowCow star another time. He also had a bunch of other questions, like, why did CowCow fall into the water; when did he die? one month ago? 2 months ago? etc etc. We never imagined a casual mention of a dog from long ago wd incite such deep thoughts.
I had opened up the blog to write about this latest episode and was surprised and touched to find Astor's comment. So, it is clear that Cowboy is always in our thoughts.
Add-On: Tonight, at the dinner, Kelvin asked Jerry to take a picture with him and he refused. As you may know, Jerry is in a I-don't-want-my-picture-taken phase. Then, Kelvin told Jerry that he really wanted to take a picture with him, so that, when we (Kelvin & me) become old, we can look at the picture and reminisce about our dear son's childhood. Jerry only agreed after that. He is such a softie. :p
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Aaron's mini tantrum
Whilst I did not manage to capture his hilarious display at PoPo's recently, I got him to throw a mini tantrum this morning. Notice Jerry's commentary on the side. The other video is his own work...notice the strength of his arm!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jerry often asks questions to which I have no intelligent answers. On our way to his swimming lesson yesterday, he asked in succession whether several types of animals know how to swim: cats, dogs, bunnies, etc. When I told him that I didn't think bunnies knew how to swim, he naturally asked why. All I could say was that I didn't know, wasn't sure, and had not thought about that question. Seeing that I was not answering his question, Jerry, of course, came up with his own brilliant answer that God had made the bunny that way. Hopefully, the next time I use that to answer another of his future questions, he will not follow-up by asking why God does what he does.
On the topic of animals, we went to the HK Zoological and Botanical Garden today to visit some animals (sorry, no pics since Jerry doesn't like his pic taken, I did not bother bringing a camera). At the aviary, a bird was perched on a branch which had half a papaya and 2 halves of an apple stuck on it. The bird was feeding on the papaya and Jerry imagined that the bird was calling out to his friends to come share the apple with him. He even verbalised the conversation: "Wei wei, come and share with me, the apple is delicious!" I love it when he role plays, cos then, he gives me a break from answering his difficult questions! ha ha.
Aaron, though stuck at home, was not bored. He went to visit his play pal, cousin Jasper and they both blew raspberries galore. It's too hot for the two of them to venture out, so, indoors playtime is the best thing.
When not playing, Aaron spends time in front of the TV, seriously watching and looking older than he is.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
corporal punishment
Yesterday afternoon, Jerry and I were entering the Causeway Bay MTR station to go home from his swimming lesson. In front of us, about 4 feet away, was a mother and her young son (probably 8 or 9 years old). They were holding hands and were advancing towards the station entrance just as Jerry and I were doing.
All of a sudden, without any warning, the mother smacked her son up the side of the head with a force so hard that he almost fell to the floor. The pair continued walking without any pause or revelation of what horrific deed had warranted such horrific punishment.
I let a minute go by before discussing this episode with Jerry as I wanted him to have time to digest what he had witnessed. I asked him whether he saw the mother smack his son and he replied that he had. I then asked him what he thought the boy had done to deserve it and he acknowledged that the boy must have been naughty. I took the chance to tell him that, although a smack up the side of the head may not be a very good move, it was something that a lot of naughty children have to endure. I reminded him that the worst that we have done to him is to hit him on the butt or palms and never up the side of the head. He agreed and pointed out that the mother in our scenario just got it wrong and shouldn't have hit the head.
It is interesting how his analysis coverd the mother's act instead of the boy's and how he took a holistic approach in his understanding. This episode has proven very useful as I can now remind Jerry of the way the smacking and ask him to behave or endure that kind of pain and humiliation. So far, it has worked (imagine, less than one day has passed and I've already had to use threats, which shows how he's becoming quite rebellious and difficult!).
Perhaps, one day, anger would take control and Jerry wd get such a smack...I hope for all our sakes it doesn't happen, but I wonder.
All of a sudden, without any warning, the mother smacked her son up the side of the head with a force so hard that he almost fell to the floor. The pair continued walking without any pause or revelation of what horrific deed had warranted such horrific punishment.
I let a minute go by before discussing this episode with Jerry as I wanted him to have time to digest what he had witnessed. I asked him whether he saw the mother smack his son and he replied that he had. I then asked him what he thought the boy had done to deserve it and he acknowledged that the boy must have been naughty. I took the chance to tell him that, although a smack up the side of the head may not be a very good move, it was something that a lot of naughty children have to endure. I reminded him that the worst that we have done to him is to hit him on the butt or palms and never up the side of the head. He agreed and pointed out that the mother in our scenario just got it wrong and shouldn't have hit the head.
It is interesting how his analysis coverd the mother's act instead of the boy's and how he took a holistic approach in his understanding. This episode has proven very useful as I can now remind Jerry of the way the smacking and ask him to behave or endure that kind of pain and humiliation. So far, it has worked (imagine, less than one day has passed and I've already had to use threats, which shows how he's becoming quite rebellious and difficult!).
Perhaps, one day, anger would take control and Jerry wd get such a smack...I hope for all our sakes it doesn't happen, but I wonder.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tonite, we had dinner at Popo's place. Both Jerry & Aaron had napped in the car and arrived refreshed and energetic.
After dinner, as we sat around chatting and watching the Olympics (China vs US volleyball), Aaron put on a show for everyone that had us rolling around in laughter. He staged a stand-off with his dad when Kelvin told him not to play with the remote controls (or something like that) and he "talked back" at his dad for quite a long time, babbling and gesturing with his hands. When he stopped doing both, he stood huffing and puffing thru' his nose at his dad for another half minute! Huffing & puffing angrily is something that some of you may have noticed Kelvin doing when particularly upset and sometimes Jerry does the same. Aaron then resumed talking back some more as his dad continued his disapproving lecture (about how he should not play with things that are not toys and that he should stop when told to stop). Popo, Victor, Ho Yee Jeung & I were sitting behind Aaron, facing Kelvin. All of us were working hard to stifle our laughs and Kelvin almost lost the match by starting to laugh himself. Finally, Aaron huffed and puffed some more before walking away in disgust, leaving us to laugh our heads off.
After dinner, as we sat around chatting and watching the Olympics (China vs US volleyball), Aaron put on a show for everyone that had us rolling around in laughter. He staged a stand-off with his dad when Kelvin told him not to play with the remote controls (or something like that) and he "talked back" at his dad for quite a long time, babbling and gesturing with his hands. When he stopped doing both, he stood huffing and puffing thru' his nose at his dad for another half minute! Huffing & puffing angrily is something that some of you may have noticed Kelvin doing when particularly upset and sometimes Jerry does the same. Aaron then resumed talking back some more as his dad continued his disapproving lecture (about how he should not play with things that are not toys and that he should stop when told to stop). Popo, Victor, Ho Yee Jeung & I were sitting behind Aaron, facing Kelvin. All of us were working hard to stifle our laughs and Kelvin almost lost the match by starting to laugh himself. Finally, Aaron huffed and puffed some more before walking away in disgust, leaving us to laugh our heads off.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
umbrella snatcher
A couple of months ago, I visited the library with Jerry and I left my umbrella. When we returned a week later and asked about the umbrella, it was not in lost and found. Jerry immediately asked why that was so, and I replied that, presumably someone had taken it. Jerry was not pleased about "someone" taking the umbrella that did not belong to that "someone".
Today, as we were on the way to the library, Jerry reminded me about my umbrella, particularly pointing out that it was gone forever (don't know whether his impeccable memory is such a good thing). He asked whether God would be angry at the person who took the umbrella without regard to true ownership, because Jerry was clearly not pleased (after all this time!).
I told him that God would not necessarily be angry because God did not pay particular attention to things like this. It would matter most if that person did not repent his/her wrongdoings, because, in that case, there's a chance that he/she would not make it to heaven. I tried to be as vague as possible.
I didn't want to make a big deal out of "umbrella snatching", as I'm not sure if petty theft of an abandoned umbrella would result in possibly going to hell. But at the same time, I feel that he needs definite answers in most circumstances. I hope that I do not contradict myself too much in answering Jerry's neverending quizzing (feels like a F/B application) and that once he begins to study religion(s) himself, he would not find too many of my errors. (As a non-practising [Catholic/Christian/Anything], I'm not sure I know/believe in God as much as this task requires.)
Today, as we were on the way to the library, Jerry reminded me about my umbrella, particularly pointing out that it was gone forever (don't know whether his impeccable memory is such a good thing). He asked whether God would be angry at the person who took the umbrella without regard to true ownership, because Jerry was clearly not pleased (after all this time!).
I told him that God would not necessarily be angry because God did not pay particular attention to things like this. It would matter most if that person did not repent his/her wrongdoings, because, in that case, there's a chance that he/she would not make it to heaven. I tried to be as vague as possible.
I didn't want to make a big deal out of "umbrella snatching", as I'm not sure if petty theft of an abandoned umbrella would result in possibly going to hell. But at the same time, I feel that he needs definite answers in most circumstances. I hope that I do not contradict myself too much in answering Jerry's neverending quizzing (feels like a F/B application) and that once he begins to study religion(s) himself, he would not find too many of my errors. (As a non-practising [Catholic/Christian/Anything], I'm not sure I know/believe in God as much as this task requires.)
Aaron & Wii

Since this blog is titled J & A, I suppose it is obligatory to write about A after having written about J.
It is apparent to anyone who knows them or has met them both (recently) that Jerry and Aaron are two very different boys in terms of interests, temperament and style. However, it appears that they do have in common their sensibility.
Today was witness to Aaron expressing some emotions through crying, but under different circumstances and to a different effect. Although Aaron cannot yet verbalize his feelings, he has developed clear communication skills (mostly from imitating his older brother). So, what happened was this:
This afternoon, Aaron, climbed atop one of our ottomans, making his way towards the DVD player, aiming for the controls. He has already learned (quite independently) that the eject button would always produce a reaction from the machine. Marites called out to him to stop and he did. However, he did not stay clear of the area. He merely stayed where he was, waiting for Marites to have her back turned (which did not happen). I was sitting on the sofa, watching to see what his next move would be. While glancing ocassionally at Marites, Aaron made one more attempt at the DVD player. Since Marites had not budged, he grudgingly retreated.
After descending from the ottoman, he made his way to the Wii console, which is stationed about three feet away to his right. He had grabbed the console and began exploring it, prompting me to call out to him to stop. I also added that he was "naughty naughty (yai yai)". At this, he paused ever so briefly and started to bawl. He did not just cry, he threw himself at the sofa and began pounding the sofa desperately with his palms, with his eyes turned on me. He then arose and returned to where the Wii console was, began muttering whilst looking back at me and Marites (who was nearby in the kitchen) alternately. His muttering seemed to say that he was upset with us, didn't see what the fuss was about as he was only messing with the Wii console, which seems like such a fun, innocent and accessible toy.
We duly ignored him and he continued his crying and muttering for a while longer, until he found his older brother. He took his complaints to Jerry, hoping for vengeance perhaps, or maybe some consoling. The funniest part was Jerry's response, when he proclaimed, self-righteously, that his baby brother was "very naughty" ("ho yai"). That actually put an end to Aaron's display and he resigned himself to the less fascinating remote controls which have become his special toys since babyhood.
When Jerry was younger (and even now) he never took interest in the electronics or electrical appliances and never cared to climb up and down anywhere. Now, Aaron is doing his own part as well as his older brother's share in those adventures and have become triple the toddler that Jerry was. How many more years of this "spiritedness", I wonder?! (Hope he turns out to be less of a talker, so as to balance things out! :p)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Jerry & Heaven
Today, Jerry surprised me with some questions which were quite amazing, amusing and touching at the same time. The incident has affected me so much that it has inspired me to start this blog.
It was late in the afternoon and Jerry was taking a break from watching T.V. (which has become a daily ritual now that he's on summer vacation). Suddenly, he asked, "When the Heavenly Father takes you (directing at me) to heaven, does He let you come back after a time?" I told him, matter-of-factly, "No, if I went to heaven, I would stay there." Upon hearing this, he started crying (with his head on the ground, like someone suffering a great loss) and mumbling, "I don't want to grow up, I want to be a little boy forever". I asked him why and in reply, he just cried harder.
I guess that he meant that if he stayed young forever, then he and the people around him would not have to "go to heaven". He then went on to say that he would miss me a lot, if I went to heaven. I told him that I wasn't going to heaven so soon, and besides, he wouldn't stay with us forever. When he grew up, he would move away, perhaps with his own family. At this, he protested that he never wants to move away because he was afraid he would never see us again if he did (oh, right :p, I wonder if he would feel the same way when he's a teenager). I explained that his father and I also did not live with our parents, but we still see each other occasionally.
He continued crying and said that he was afraid that he would forget what we look like (if he moved away from home). I assured him that it was unlikely. He protested some more that he didn't want to move away or live away from home but changed the subject abruptly by asking whether I would eventually die and go to heaven but then return (like, for a visit). I told him that I would perhaps go to heaven, and when I am there, I would be waiting for him and we could meet again in heaven. He found that answer distressing too and wished that I wouldn't die (obviously, I told him that I wasn't about to die, just yet, anyhow).
His next concern was in the event that I died and his Dad died, and Marites also died, then who would take care of him and his brother. At that, I began tearing up and thought hard for a believable answer. I suggested to him Tickle YeeYee and Andrew KauFu (being younger than the three who would die) and he readily agreed. He eventually stopped the sobbing and then asked whether it was time to watch the Doraemon movie which he rented yesterday! LOL! So much for the beautifully sad scene that he created and demolished in a matter of 2 minutes.
What amazes me is the profundity of his questioning and the underlying logic that he has applied. All the above coming from a four year-old is foreshadowing of what is to come in the next, say, 10 to 15 years...
>_< but ^o^ at the same time...
It was late in the afternoon and Jerry was taking a break from watching T.V. (which has become a daily ritual now that he's on summer vacation). Suddenly, he asked, "When the Heavenly Father takes you (directing at me) to heaven, does He let you come back after a time?" I told him, matter-of-factly, "No, if I went to heaven, I would stay there." Upon hearing this, he started crying (with his head on the ground, like someone suffering a great loss) and mumbling, "I don't want to grow up, I want to be a little boy forever". I asked him why and in reply, he just cried harder.
I guess that he meant that if he stayed young forever, then he and the people around him would not have to "go to heaven". He then went on to say that he would miss me a lot, if I went to heaven. I told him that I wasn't going to heaven so soon, and besides, he wouldn't stay with us forever. When he grew up, he would move away, perhaps with his own family. At this, he protested that he never wants to move away because he was afraid he would never see us again if he did (oh, right :p, I wonder if he would feel the same way when he's a teenager). I explained that his father and I also did not live with our parents, but we still see each other occasionally.
He continued crying and said that he was afraid that he would forget what we look like (if he moved away from home). I assured him that it was unlikely. He protested some more that he didn't want to move away or live away from home but changed the subject abruptly by asking whether I would eventually die and go to heaven but then return (like, for a visit). I told him that I would perhaps go to heaven, and when I am there, I would be waiting for him and we could meet again in heaven. He found that answer distressing too and wished that I wouldn't die (obviously, I told him that I wasn't about to die, just yet, anyhow).
His next concern was in the event that I died and his Dad died, and Marites also died, then who would take care of him and his brother. At that, I began tearing up and thought hard for a believable answer. I suggested to him Tickle YeeYee and Andrew KauFu (being younger than the three who would die) and he readily agreed. He eventually stopped the sobbing and then asked whether it was time to watch the Doraemon movie which he rented yesterday! LOL! So much for the beautifully sad scene that he created and demolished in a matter of 2 minutes.
What amazes me is the profundity of his questioning and the underlying logic that he has applied. All the above coming from a four year-old is foreshadowing of what is to come in the next, say, 10 to 15 years...
>_< but ^o^ at the same time...
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