Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jerry in Dallas 2

On the second day, we were invited to a pool party at Uncle Richard and Aunt Trea's place. Jerry loves to swim, although he is insecure without his armbands. He was lying on the inflatable water bed when Vivian asked if she could flip him over. He didn't understand the English, so she attempted Cantonese which came out as "Can I push you?" Thinking that she was going to push him on the water bed, Jerry said yes.... After he got flipped over, he flipped out and exclaimed that he would never swim again and started to cry. It seems that Jerry is going to learn a lot on this trip :D

On the third day, Uncle Danny asked Jerry to teach him English, claiming that he did not know the language himself. To this Jerry replied: How can you not know English, you are an American? To that, we laughed our heads off.

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