Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jerry's Prayer

Today, I took Jerry to school as they have a storytelling time 15 minutes before class. The teacher saw me and asked if I was feeling better. She told me that Jerry told her that I was not well and that I had to skip my "exercise" (I have a regular pilates class on Mondays and I skipped it this week due to a sore throat and cough; I told Jerry that I wasn't feeling well). As it turns out, Jerry brought this up during prayer time at school when the teacher asked if anyone had something to pray about. So, he told his class that I wasn't well and had to miss doing exercise. I am deeply touched and grateful for his thoughtfulness...I love my son!!


Unknown said...

aww that's so sweet for jerry to think of others especially his family first and asking the class to pray abt it. i am so proud of you jerry. i miss you guys

Berto said...

Jerry is awesome!

Andrew K. Suen said...


jerry that is so sweeet

Ann said...

:) So touching. What a sweet, thoughtful, and caring little boy you have!
