Sunday, January 11, 2009

All things bright & beautiful?

Jerry's latest line of philosophical questioning is: Did God create the bad animals that kill/eat other animals/insects, i.e. the big bad wolf/the lion/the owl? Did the devil create them? (Here, of course, the answer is that God created everything, even the devil.) Why did God create those bad animals? They are so naughty, I want to kick their butt! (My translation of what he says in Chinese.)

I honestly have difficulty keeping up.


Andrew K. Suen said...

"their butt"

yeah. those are questions that my friends now ask and ponder about sometimes.

Kaka said...

this morning, he revisited the idea and added mosquitoes to the list.

Unknown said...


Ann said...

i often ask God why he created mosquitos too! I suppose part of the food chain?!