Wednesday, September 3, 2008

why did you have children?

Jerry often asks why we had children. Earlier on, we told him that because we loved each other, we wanted to raise children together. Soon, that answer was not enough for Jerry who provided his own answer: God arranged for him to go into my tummy and be born as our son. Not satisfied to stop there, he asked whether God arranged for the births of all his close relatives (he had to ask about them, one by one).

Two nights ago, he asked LH about who took care of him when he was a child; who took care of his parents when they were children etc etc. Naturally, that brought on the topic of his great-grandparents (both on my side as well as LH's side) and he was fascinated to know where they now are. For example, who are Tai Poh's (a.k.a. Jerry's great grandma Ip) father and mother (great great grandparents Lam). If great grandfather Ip is dead and is in heaven, is he watching us just as Cowboy is watching us (notice that he never loses a link)? If great/great great grandparents on LH's side of the family are also in heaven, would these common yet unrelated great grandparents know who each other are in heaven? Then Jerry got distressed, because, according to him, if he went to heaven, then he would not be able to recognize great great grandfather and great grandfather. LH had to answer that he would, of course, introduce them....

I can't go into details as to how LH answered, as the Q&A session was neverending and I was not there. Suffice it to say, more questions are coming, so please help us (God?).

An aside: Jerry says that rain clouds are spiders and at some point would sprout legs and land them on our heads, hence we get rain.

Another aside: A friend was scolding her son one day and her son said: If I had a baby, I would not scold the baby so. Her son is 4 days older than Jerry.

Humans are indeed animals of intelligence.


Ann said...

Wow, I think we're on our way to have cancer cured. Seriously.

"If great/great great grandparents on LH's side of the family are also in heaven, would these common yet unrelated great grandparents know who each other are in heaven?"

Amazing questioning. How are you tempted not to answer, "I have no idea. Sorry, son."

As Lucas is babbling away nonsense - I look forward?! to the day he asks such questions. B&I pray constantly that God will guide us in raising him.

Thanks for sharing, Kaka!

Kaka said...

i sometimes say that I have no idea and he presses me to answer why that is all becomes circular in the end :p