Since this blog is titled J & A, I suppose it is obligatory to write about A after having written about J.
It is apparent to anyone who knows them or has met them both (recently) that Jerry and Aaron are two very different boys in terms of interests, temperament and style. However, it appears that they do have in common their sensibility.
Today was witness to Aaron expressing some emotions through crying, but under different circumstances and to a different effect. Although Aaron cannot yet verbalize his feelings, he has developed clear communication skills (mostly from imitating his older brother). So, what happened was this:
This afternoon, Aaron, climbed atop one of our ottomans, making his way towards the DVD player, aiming for the controls. He has already learned (quite independently) that the eject button would always produce a reaction from the machine. Marites called out to him to stop and he did. However, he did not stay clear of the area. He merely stayed where he was, waiting for Marites to have her back turned (which did not happen). I was sitting on the sofa, watching to see what his next move would be. While glancing ocassionally at Marites, Aaron made one more attempt at the DVD player. Since Marites had not budged, he grudgingly retreated.
After descending from the ottoman, he made his way to the Wii console, which is stationed about three feet away to his right. He had grabbed the console and began exploring it, prompting me to call out to him to stop. I also added that he was "naughty naughty (yai yai)". At this, he paused ever so briefly and started to bawl. He did not just cry, he threw himself at the sofa and began pounding the sofa desperately with his palms, with his eyes turned on me. He then arose and returned to where the Wii console was, began muttering whilst looking back at me and Marites (who was nearby in the kitchen) alternately. His muttering seemed to say that he was upset with us, didn't see what the fuss was about as he was only messing with the Wii console, which seems like such a fun, innocent and accessible toy.
We duly ignored him and he continued his crying and muttering for a while longer, until he found his older brother. He took his complaints to Jerry, hoping for vengeance perhaps, or maybe some consoling. The funniest part was Jerry's response, when he proclaimed, self-righteously, that his baby brother was "very naughty" ("ho yai"). That actually put an end to Aaron's display and he resigned himself to the less fascinating remote controls which have become his special toys since babyhood.
When Jerry was younger (and even now) he never took interest in the electronics or electrical appliances and never cared to climb up and down anywhere. Now, Aaron is doing his own part as well as his older brother's share in those adventures and have become triple the toddler that Jerry was. How many more years of this "spiritedness", I wonder?! (Hope he turns out to be less of a talker, so as to balance things out! :p)
haha AJ is so bak yeem. =P you mean to say he doesn't want to play in his toy filled room?
he actually likes to play, anywhere and anything! he is more diversified in his choices--from cars, puzzles, dolls, building blocks to your everyday electrical appliances. Jerry is more into dolls, action figures and RPG. His latest thing is pretending that his plush toys are his "pets". Needless to say, he's always begging for a pet. But he's "never gonna get it".
Haha I like it so much that Aaron's always testing his limits. I believe he knows that what he can & cannot do, but he's always testing the limits & see what will happen next...
Awww...so dramatic, Aaron! I love how he was trying to develop an alliance with Jerry.
Your boys are awesome.
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